Teaching English Language Arts in the 21st Century
Instructor Jen Iamele Savage
Course Number PRDV 6254E CRN 39051
This course will provide an overview of appropriate strategies for teaching English/Language Arts using methods that appeal to 21st century skills. This course will also be an opportunity for educators to collaborate regarding specific effective strategies and to gain a better understanding of the obstacles that both adolescents and educators face in English/Language Arts in the 21st century. The course will cover the main areas of teaching English/Language Arts including: 1.) how to effectively teach adolescent literature 2) how to effectively teach adolescent writing 3) how to incorporate grammatical and vocabulary instruction 4) the direction that teaching literature and writing to adolescents will be go in the future. Through class discussion, reflection, readings, and assignments, students will examine the impact of the 21st century on teaching English/Language Arts to adolescents.
Required Text: Burke, Jim. The English Teacher’s Companion. 4th Edition. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Location: Online
Fitchburg State University - 3 graduate credits
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